"Hectic", "fast-paced" and "gotta hurry" get left outside 45 South Cafe’s door. Inside, it's "welcome", "familiar" and "relax" for as long as you like!  Chat with a friend over a cup of locally-roasted, freshly brewed coffee or a glass of wine.  Munch on a savory slice of quiche or one of our pastries. Work on your laptop in the peace and quiet of our back patio. 45 South Cafe is "Your Meeting Place" just a few steps from your home or a short ride into the heart of Downtown Historic Norcross at 45 South Peachtree Street.  Bring your friends, family or work mates and enjoy time together!


coffee drinks, Boutique wines, craft beers, sodas, etc (no one goes home thirsty!)

coffee drinks, Boutique wines, beers, sodas, etc (no one goes home thirsty!)

Wine Tastings on the 2nd Thursday of each month; hang out with friends any time!

Wine Tastings on the 3rd Thursday of each month; hang out with friends any time!